Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome New Visitors to the Web Site

Hi folks,

Well, it seems like our little campaign has gotten your attention. That's just what we need--more people aware of the project that is happening just down the road.

Feel free to read some of the entries on here and make up your own mind whether you want Alexander Springs Village to become a reality. There is still time to act. And post your own opinions and ideas on this blog too. All thoughts are welcome!!!

We need more people to know about the project, the developer and the township meetings. There is a township meeting this Thursday at 7:oopm at the Township building on Newville Rd. Try to make it if you can. If you can't, rest assured we will have all the information about it right here so visit often.

You can even email us at redbarnneighbor@gmail.com.

Thanks for stopping by the site.

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