Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Some of the Problems with developer Barry Lyon's Project

Hi, folks--

Thanks for checking out our blog. This entry is about the environmental impact of the development. The developer plans to build a sewage plant near a flood plain and on or near a wetland. They are convinced that the measurements for a flood plain are "inaccurate" and it's a "once in a hundred year" event. Tell the people in New Orleans, Galveston and along the Mississippi River about a "once in a hundred year" event! Imagine sewage streaming into the river and affecting people in the local neighborhoods?

Also, what about the loss of the old growth trees in the area? The developer says they plan to "save as many as possible". There goes another local habitat for local wildlife!

The township has NO plan to investigate what the impact on the local ecology will be. They just want to build and get more tax revenue.

What do you think we can do?

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