Monday, September 29, 2008

Water, water everywhere...

except for the proposed Alexander Springs Village development. Hi again, everyone. We hope everybody stayed dry over the weekend; we sure needed the rain though.

All the rain did get us to think about water issues for this development and for the neighborhood. Since our neighborhood is all on well and septic, this means water and sewage for 350 new houses will have to come from somewhere...across somewhere. Will water from Carlisle come across farmland, or up the Ritner Highway?! Wow! That's a lot more digging up of the environment and more traffic issues along route 11.

And, it also means residents near the complex will have to get public water and sewer hook-up...that they have to pay for themselves!!! Yup, Carlisle and the township ain't gonna pay for the hook-up, especially with this economy.

Don't forget the township meeting on Wednesday, 1 October at 7:00pm at the township building.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Why so quiet, Barry?

Hello again--The developer Barry Lyons (pictured to the left) was actually at the Township Planning Commission meeting last night....but had nothing to say.

He certainly likes to keep a low profile. For a big time developer, he has no website and has no other examples of his other projects that he has presented to the township. Hmmm....that's odd. And, we're told that he only signed into the meeting after other people had left the room. Why is that? Of course, as we've also learned, he was quite happy to talk with Planning Commission members in private after the meeting was adjourned and people had left the building....

C'mon, Barry, show folks what you've got!

The next big meeting will be the Township Board of Supervisors on 1 October at 7:00pm at the township building.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Township Planning Commission Meeting on Thursday

Hi again everyone--

More and more people are hearing about this project...and they're not liking it. Who can blame them. Not only are there environmental, quality of life and safety issues involved, overall zoning questions are being raised by residents of West Pennsboro Township.
  • Why does a developer think he can get approval for 350 town houses?
  • Who voted on the new zoning to eliminate farm land in favor of cluster development?
  • Why are ordinary residents getting shouted down by supervisors at meetings about zoning?
Well, those questions and more can be raised at the Planning Commission Meeting, 25 September, Thursday, 7:00pm, at the township building on Newville Rd. We do know the answer to one question: who are the members of this commission? They are: Randy Bailey, Thomas Adams, Kemp Beaty, Richard Mains, Harvey Hoover, Alan McElwain.

We hope to see you there! Thanks again for stopping by this blog.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome New Visitors to the Web Site

Hi folks,

Well, it seems like our little campaign has gotten your attention. That's just what we need--more people aware of the project that is happening just down the road.

Feel free to read some of the entries on here and make up your own mind whether you want Alexander Springs Village to become a reality. There is still time to act. And post your own opinions and ideas on this blog too. All thoughts are welcome!!!

We need more people to know about the project, the developer and the township meetings. There is a township meeting this Thursday at 7:oopm at the Township building on Newville Rd. Try to make it if you can. If you can't, rest assured we will have all the information about it right here so visit often.

You can even email us at

Thanks for stopping by the site.

Here it is Click on the picture to enlarge

This is the project! McAllister Church Rd. is on the left. Below would be Route 11 (Ritner Highway) about 1.5 miles away. Above would be Newville Rd. about two miles away.

****Special thanks to the person close to the project for supplying the design.***

Monday, September 22, 2008

It must be getting hot in the kitchen

David Twining, Supervisor Chairman of West Pennsboro Township can't hold his temper....I wonder why? After telling a township resident to "shut up and sit down" numerous times during the last Township meeting, the resident was given FIVE whole minutes to speak. How generous. How long do Barry Lyons, the developer of Alexander Springs, and the execs from Sheetz get to talk?

Why is David Twining so angry?

We've heard that the change of zoning wasn't even done with public comment!! Is this true?

Come to the Planning Commission Meeting on Thursday at 7:00pm!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Township Supervisors Go Crazy!!!!!

Can a resident of West Pennsboro Township ask a question during a meeting? If you went to the Supervisors meeting last Wednesday, the answer would be "shut up!!" One neighbor who had questions about zoning was told to shut up by the supervisors. The meeting was abruptly adjourned. And, none of the questions were about the horror show that will be Alexander Springs Village.

If you want to see some real fireworks, wait until those questions get asked. Who is going to be forced to shut up when their homes and safety are put in jeopardy?

These supervisors are completely unserious....except about their own opinions.

The next big meeting is Thursday, 25th of Sept. at 7:00pm at the Township building on Newville Rd.

Anybody want to show up and see what that's like?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ghost town?

How are your mutual funds and stocks doing these days? Makes a person wonder who or what bank would loan money to finance new construction of 350 town houses that start (allegedly) at $200k.

It could mean the developer gets permission and just enough money, then fails to finish the job. The result would be an empty construction site and a torn up environment in the township. So West Penn gets to be known as that township with that disaster off the Ritner Highway. Yeah, let's go live over there.

Existing property values take a further hit because of the development. Don't be fooled!!

We need to do something about it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Increased traffic

Hey again, everyone--

If you're worried about traffic on the Ritner Highway or Newville Rd, wait until 350 more households are nearby!! Let's say each house has 2 cars, that's 700 more automobiles on either road.

The developer admits that turn lane "improvements" will be needed. That's developer talk for widening the roads, and putting up traffic lights. Will the township call this "eminent domain" and take our yards from us?!

Plus, if you think getting to Carlisle or accessing I-81 is a problem now, just wait until there are 700 more vehicles during rush hour.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Some of the Problems with developer Barry Lyon's Project

Hi, folks--

Thanks for checking out our blog. This entry is about the environmental impact of the development. The developer plans to build a sewage plant near a flood plain and on or near a wetland. They are convinced that the measurements for a flood plain are "inaccurate" and it's a "once in a hundred year" event. Tell the people in New Orleans, Galveston and along the Mississippi River about a "once in a hundred year" event! Imagine sewage streaming into the river and affecting people in the local neighborhoods?

Also, what about the loss of the old growth trees in the area? The developer says they plan to "save as many as possible". There goes another local habitat for local wildlife!

The township has NO plan to investigate what the impact on the local ecology will be. They just want to build and get more tax revenue.

What do you think we can do?