Remember: There are two delays in place for this project. 1) The continuance for the special exception to bring water, sewer and gas into a flood plain (Zoning Hearing Board) and 2) A tabling (delay) for a conditional use permit hearing (Planning Commission). Nothing can be approved by the Board of Supervisors until these matters are cleared up. The Planning Commission members who did not vote to delay a decision were Kemp Beatty and Allen McEllwain.
Trust us--those developers will be back so we have to do our homework.
The next Planning Commission meeting is the 20th of November at 7pm. So far, Barry Lyons, Craig Bachik and Steve Kertzing are not on the agenda to discuss Alexander Spring LLC. They can only get on the agenda seven days before a scheduled meeting. We will keep you informed or feel free to contact the township directly at 243-8220.
The Board of Supervisors meeting is the day before, the 19th of November at 7pm. A reminder, nothing can move to this level before the Planning Commission votes. However, it is worthwhile attending to become familiar with who is on our the Board of Supervisors and how the process works.
In the meantime, keep passing the word! We are seeing some positive results.
I know this site was set up to fight the Alexander Spring development, but isn't the greater outcome to change the entire ordinance. We are ALL at fault for not fighting the ordinance revisions over the past two years. Now we have learned our lesson.
There are two developments now in the planning and approval stages within this township that were the result of the new ordinance. Both the Shover and Blain farms are proposed to be built in higher densities than we want.
The Shover property has a proposed 392 rental apartment and townhouses. The Blain property has a proposed 352 unit townhome cummunity proposed.
The fight should be against both developments for the better of the residents of the township. While the conditional use application was tabled by the planning Commission for the Blain property the Shover property conditional use application flew through the PC with flying colors.
Both developments are similar in the fact they they are using a single boulevard entrance. Both developers stated they could provide an alternative emergency entrance. Both developments are brining water and sanitary sewer from the plants in Carlisle. At some point both developemnts will need to cross the Alexander Spring to get the utilities to their respective sites. Both developments will require a special exception for work in the flood plain.
The Shover property did not yet submit their special exception, but it will be comming. Hopfully this is part of the information that the board of supervisors is requesting from the Shover developer due to them tabling the vote on the conditional use hearing.
The approvals for both developments need to be watched. Mr. Lyons is most likley sitting back to see what happens to the Shover applications and see what the township approves before he makes his next move.
The Shover property is being developed by DGWP Properties, LLC. This company is backed by Spring Mill Group. There web site is www.springmillgroup.com. You can see the proposed rental complex on that web site under current projects.
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