Like Arnold said, they'll be back. Last night another blow was struck against Barry Lyons and Craig Baycheck at the Planning Commission Meeting. The commission decided to table (delay) sending the conditional use application to the Board of Supervisors!
The developers now have two delays--the Special Exception for bringing water and sewer into a flood plain (Zoning Hearing Board) and the conditional use application (Planning Commission). Don't be fooled--the developers are planning to resubmit their ideas. So, we have do some planning too.
If you know anyone who is an engineer, a lawyer, law enforcement officer, emergency service personnel, environmentalist, road construction, traffic engineer, member of a hunting or fishing group, we need their expertise to look over the plans. They don't have to be from the township (the developers aren't), but they can certainly help us.
Keep passing the word too. Last night there were 24 people at this meeting--the largest crowd at a planning meeting in years!
By the way, members of the Planning Commission voting against tabling the application were Kemp Beatty and Allen McElwain. I think they need to know how they failed the community and remind them about how the residents of the neighborhood feel about our quality of life in the area. You can write them at the township: 2150 Newville Rd. Carlisle, PA 17015.
Thanks to everyone who came last night and who are supporting the cause with phone calls and flyers! As you can see, it is making a difference. It's not over yet though.
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