Who is Barry Lyons of Barry Lyons Construction? Who are Craig Bachik and Steve Kretzing of Kairos Design Group? If anyone has any information about the previous projects of the developers for Alexander Spring Village, please contact us.
Don't forget: There are two delays in place for this project. 1) The continuance for the special exception to bring water, sewer and gas into a flood plain (Zoning Hearing Board) and 2) A tabling (delay) for a conditional use permit hearing (Planning Commission). Nothing can be approved by the Board of Supervisors until these matters are cleared up. The Planning Commission members who did not vote to delay a decision were Kemp Beatty and Allen McEllwain. Feel free to contact them at the Township to let them know how you feel about their vote. Remind them why we choose to live here.
But it's not over yet, not by a long shot! If you know anyone who is an engineer, a lawyer, law enforcement officer, emergency service personnel, environmentalist, road construction, traffic engineer, member of a hunting or fishing group, we need their expertise to look over the plans. We need many more people involved in this process. Plus, does anyone know people who work for local media outlets--tv, newspapers, radio, magazines? They should be contacted too.
Thanks again for all your support!!!