Friday, October 31, 2008

Who are these guys anyway?

Who is Barry Lyons of Barry Lyons Construction? Who are Craig Bachik and Steve Kretzing of Kairos Design Group? If anyone has any information about the previous projects of the developers for Alexander Spring Village, please contact us.

Don't forget: There are two delays in place for this project. 1) The continuance for the special exception to bring water, sewer and gas into a flood plain (Zoning Hearing Board) and 2) A tabling (delay) for a conditional use permit hearing (Planning Commission). Nothing can be approved by the Board of Supervisors until these matters are cleared up. The Planning Commission members who did not vote to delay a decision were Kemp Beatty and Allen McEllwain. Feel free to contact them at the Township to let them know how you feel about their vote. Remind them why we choose to live here.

But it's not over yet, not by a long shot! If you know anyone who is an engineer, a lawyer, law enforcement officer, emergency service personnel, environmentalist, road construction, traffic engineer, member of a hunting or fishing group, we need their expertise to look over the plans. We need many more people involved in this process. Plus, does anyone know people who work for local media outlets--tv, newspapers, radio, magazines? They should be contacted too.

Thanks again for all your support!!!

They'll be back....

Like Arnold said, they'll be back. Last night another blow was struck against Barry Lyons and Craig Baycheck at the Planning Commission Meeting. The commission decided to table (delay) sending the conditional use application to the Board of Supervisors!

The developers now have two delays--the Special Exception for bringing water and sewer into a flood plain (Zoning Hearing Board) and the conditional use application (Planning Commission). Don't be fooled--the developers are planning to resubmit their ideas. So, we have do some planning too.

If you know anyone who is an engineer, a lawyer, law enforcement officer, emergency service personnel, environmentalist, road construction, traffic engineer, member of a hunting or fishing group, we need their expertise to look over the plans. They don't have to be from the township (the developers aren't), but they can certainly help us.

Keep passing the word too. Last night there were 24 people at this meeting--the largest crowd at a planning meeting in years!

By the way, members of the Planning Commission voting against tabling the application were Kemp Beatty and Allen McElwain. I think they need to know how they failed the community and remind them about how the residents of the neighborhood feel about our quality of life in the area. You can write them at the township: 2150 Newville Rd. Carlisle, PA 17015.

Thanks to everyone who came last night and who are supporting the cause with phone calls and flyers! As you can see, it is making a difference. It's not over yet though.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On hold!!!

Hi folks-- We may have held off the possibility of the image to the left happening at the proposed Alexander Spring Village.

The Zoning Hearing Board wisely decided to ask Barry and his associates at Kairos Design Group, Craig Baycheck and Steve Kretzing, for more information before granting them a special exception to build on a flood plain.

Score another one for our side!!

The board was concerned that, as the first major development in West Pennsboro Township to propose building on a flood plain, Alexander Spring Village would need a closer look. The scope, type and way that sewer, water and gas would be brought into a flood plain also concerned 18 residents who came to the hearing. Keep it up, folks!!

Don't forget tomorrow's Planning Commission meeting at 7pm. This will be Barry proposing to move forward with a conditional use hearing in front of the Board of Supervisors. We will get more details on his plan for bringing nearly 1000 more people into the township with 330 townhouses so please attend!

A View of the Future??

The Zoning Board hearing for a special exception to bring sewer and water into a flood plain will be tonight at 6pm. We'll keep you informed of any decisions by the board....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Canary in a Coal Mine and a small victory

Hi Everyone--

Last night's township Board of Supervisors meeting was eventful!

First, the township hall was to capacity with most folks concerned about the development on the Shover Farm off 641. The developer sought a conditional use permit, but the Board of Supervisors preferred to get more public comment over the next 45 days. Whether or not this development is granted conditional use will be an indication of how the Alexander Spring Village project might be viewed. So, write the Board of Supervisors about your concerns! You can read about this particular issue here in the Sentinel:

Secondly, during the public comment portion of the meeting, several residents expressed their opposition to Alexander Springs Village. More people are getting word about the development and are sharing their dissatisfaction. During the session, Board of Supervisor Member, David Twining, conceded that the proposed coffee shop and low end retail store for the red barn cannot move forward because the area is not zoned for it! Score one for us! (Sorry, Barry, but you'll have to get your cappuccino somewhere else.)

However, don't forget the Zoning Board Hearing for the special exception to bring water and sewer into a flood plain at Alexander Spring Village. That's tomorrow, Wednesday, at 6pm.

Also, the Planning Commission is scheduled for the next day, Thursday, at 7pm. We were assured that Alexander Spring Village will be on the agenda.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Special Exception for Sewage???

Hi again everyone,

Some people received a letter in their mail about the special exception hearing on October 29th (Wednesday), 6:00pm at the township building. The notice included in the letter reads in part:

"The Special Exception Application of Alexander Spring, LLC (Applicant) with a business address of 5237 East Trindle Rd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050. In accordance with West Pennsboro Township Ordinance 2008-1, Applicant is required to obtain special exception to install any sewage treatment infrastructure, dams, bridges, culverts, relocated watercourses, or any sanitary or storm sewer impoundment basins within the defined Floodplain Overlay District.

Applicant is proposing to cross the Alexander Spring Creek wit public water and sewer and install infrastructure with the defined Floodplain Overlay District on property located at 74 McAllister Church Rd and 100 Barnstable Rd., Carlisle, PA"

It's time to for us to start asking some questions....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Next Township Meeting....

Hello again:

The next Township Board of Supervisors meeting is a SPECIAL SESSION on Monday, October 27th at 6:00pm to decide whether another development project will be granted a conditional use authorization. Although not specifically about the Alexander Spring Project, we can certainly learn a lot about how this development off 641 will be viewed by the supervisors.

So, drop by and see which of the supervisors is pro-development and which ones favor keeping our neighborhoods the way we like 'em!

ps--word on the street says that Barry the Developer for Alexander Spring Village is seeking a special exception for his water and sewage hook-up across a flood plain. We'll keep you informed and let you know when that hearing will occur!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Township Meeting Dates Changed!!!

Hi everyone--

The regularly scheduled township meetings have been changed:

--Tonight October 14th, 6:00pm is a Board of Supervisors meeting on Water and Sewer being brought from Carlisle.

--October 27th, Monday 6:00pm is a special session of the Board of Supervisors on the proposal for cluster development on Shover Farm just off 641.

We hope to see you there!

Friday, October 10, 2008


Hi, everyone. There was no action at the Planning Commission meeting last night...but Barry the Developer did show up to listen to the proceedings.

The next Board of Supervisors meeting is Wednesday, October 15th at 7pm at the Township Building on Newville Rd. There is a public comment time when each person who would like to speak to the Supervisors is given five minutes.

Please come and let your voice be heard!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Planning Commission Meeting Thursday Night at 6:30

Howdy folks--

Tomorrow night, Thursday, October 9th at 6:30pm there will be a Planning Commission meeting at the township building on Newville Rd.

Let's see if there are any new developments about the development...and if Barry has anything to say this time...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Not so pretty in pink

Anybody noticed these pink markers and ribbons in the neighborhood? Is Barry the Developer already decorating the area before his 35o town houses are developed?

No, these are likely survey markers.

It's time to get involved. Send an email, add a comment or attend a township meeting.

The next township Planning Commission meeting is Thursday, October 9th, 6:30pm at the township building on Newville Rd.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

And, now they're gone.

Hello again, everyone. Well, those pesky strips that were laid across our street are now gone. They were only there for two days. Is that really long enough to get a good count of how many vehicles travel along McAllister Church Rd. each day?

We won't know until Barry Lyons, the project's developer, lets everyone know at one of the township meetings. So far, he's been showing up, but has been so very quiet.

He's been a lot quieter than our street is gonna be when 700+ additional vehicles start hitting our streets.

So, are we going to be quiet while he keeps planning this 350 townhouse complex??

The next township meeting is Wednesday, October 15th at 7pm at the township building. Drop by and see if Barry has anything to say this time....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Counting cars

Anybody noticed these strips across McAllister Church Rd? They are very close to the proposed development and are there to count the number of vehicles that travel on our street. This is one of many things that the developer is doing so that he can begin his work on the may also be the earliest sign that the road will be expanded and that "eminent domain" will be used to take our yards away.

With 350 town houses and approximately 2 cars per house, that'll be a lot of traffic for our tiny little street.

So, how many times a day do you think you can drive across those strips?

Don't forget the township meeting tonight at 7:00pm at the township building on Newville Rd.