Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ordinance Changes?

Hi Folks,
It's been a long time! We've had some great success against cluster development projects in the township. Most notably stopping Barry Lyons' monstrosity from becoming reality on McAllister Church Rd.
However, we still have some work ahead of us. The township is proposing to amend the zoning ordinances in the very near future. This could be good...if we make sure that they are not trying to make it easier for cluster development to take hold in our area. We need to get to the meetings and hear what the proposals are....and to make sure OUR voices are heard.
The next township meeting is April 15th at 6pm! We hope to see you there.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Township Website is up and running

Hi Everyone:

So far so good on what appears to be the slow demise of Barry Lyon's project for McAllister Church Rd. But to keep everyone honest, we encourage you to pay attention to all township business so that we don't get surprised again. Here is their website:

Keep being active; it makes a difference!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Indefinite Hold?!?

Hi folks,

Our sources have told us that Barry Lyons has asked the township to put his proposal for Alexander Spring Village on "indefinite hold". If this is true, it represents a MAJOR VICTORY!

However, we still need to confirm the information. And, if true, that doesn't mean that we can completely relax. He can still opt to restart the process again. Plus, there is still the Shover Farm development on 641 that will be a problem for our way of life in West Pennsboro Township.

If anyone has any additional information on the status of Barry's project, email us.

Until then, we cannot let our guard down.

Still, we have momentum on our side.

What a great early Christmas present for us!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Emergency Access?

Hi again, everyone,

Just a quick update on last night's Board of Supervisors Meeting and the hearing on the conditional use application for the Shover Farm Development: The developers said that they met with the fire houses in the township to get their opinion on emergency access to their proposed development for 390 units off 641. Shockingly, one of the developers failed to mention that he could not include sprinkler systems in some of his units because "it is cost prohibitive". Hmmmm....Why bring that up at the hearing and not before?

So, let's do some math. 390 units for the Shover development plus another 330 for the Alexander Spring Village project...does that equal enough emergency service personnel for our township??? And if there isn't enough, will the township have to hire more and raise our taxes to do so??

We don't know about you, but our budgets are stretched pretty thin already! No new taxes to support unpopular development in our township!!

Make sure the Board of Supervisors knows your opinion!

Monday, December 15, 2008

This Week's Township Meetings:

Hi everyone:

There are two township meetings this week. On Wednesday at 7pm, there will be a Board of Supervisors Meeting. The Shover Farm development for 390 apartments is on the agenda as a public hearing for conditional use. At the last meeting, several fire houses expressed their strong reservations to the proposal. We wonder if the developers have had enough time to make the needed changes?!

The other meeting is the Planning Commission on Thursday at 7pm.

Don't forget: each session has a public comment time for remarks.

See everyone at the meetings!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Shover Farm Developers are back up to bat

Hi there everyone,

Well the Shover Farm Developers are having another swing at their project off 641. They will be back in front of the Board of Supervisors next Wednesday the 17th at 7:00pm.

We've said this before: this development is a "canary in a coal mine" for the Alexander Spring Village project. Seeing how the Shover Farm development gets treated will be an indication of how Barry Lyons' proposal is viewed. It's worth showing up at this meeting and the Planning Commission meeting the following day on the 18th.

Pass the word!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Show us the Money!

Hi everyone,

We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. We're thankful that we live in an area unspoiled by overdevelopment.

But that could change. With this crazy economy, who's loaning Barry the money to build his dream of 330+ townhouses? If the financing falls through in the middle of construction, then get used to scenes like the one above.

The dates for the Township Meetings are: Board of Supervisors is December 17th at 7pm; the Planning Commission meeting is December 18th at 7pm.

Hope to see everyone there!